
“I am truly grateful for you and the beautiful and profound work you do.”

Thank you so much, That was an absolutely amazing session, thank you so much for allowing the time for it all. It is so refreshing to have someone approach this huge movement for me without any of the trauma I’ve had rise up before, you are perfectly on point to move into other aspects of work before any of it came up…how do you do that?”

Thank you so much for such an insightful session. Attached is my spontaneous watercolor crayon drawing. I had no idea what I was doing when I started. As I sat with it my body felt so much joy and fullness. I could feel very deeply this is exactly the work I need to be doing. Thank you for all the help you are giving me. I am so grateful.”

 “Thank you so much Patricia for working with us. Today, I feel the “edge” on my hurt has been smoothed a bit.  What would the next step be if you would work with me?”

 “I enjoyed working with you and I am impressed by the discoveries I made and keep making. Thank you for your kind, gentle and firm approach. It was just what I needed. I may ask for more help in the future.”

“Wanted to tell you that I’m so enjoying your writing and while reading your blogs it is filling in many learning gaps for me in Constellations work.  How well your writing is structured Patricia. Such a gift.”

“My all-day session with Patricia was a true revelation and will most certainly have lasting positive repercussions throughout my family presently and in the future. I am humbled by the work that she does to resolve family-based issues that span over many generations. There is no other way to do this work other than jump right in with Family Constellations. To have worked with Patricia who has the advanced education, skills, and above all, intuition to safely lead into core issues and out again on the other side, which is healing, is a grand privilege. I cannot recommend her work highly enough. Thank you.”

“Wanted to thank you for what you continue doing on your blog.  Many things you write are a confirmation of things I sensed and felt true but were never discussed out in the open.  Truly feel a relief to know that you are on this Earth, doing what you are doing.”

“I wanted to tell you that thanks to you (thanks a million) it was my first visit to my parents back home that I did not get stressed out to the point that I would cry.  Thanks to you I understand my parents so much better.  I got along with them so much easier.  Before I would be happy to be in Europe visiting, but I couldn’t wait to return home.  This time I could have stayed even longer than a month.  I’m fortunate to have worked with you.”

“I find a certain peace reading your blog and just want to say thank you.”

“You have incredible passion and create extraordinary insight with your work.In one session, we reached the core of a huge issue I have been working on for years.  No other therapeutic work had ever made such rapid and deep progress.  You are highly skilled, knowledgeable, professional and intuitive; it is a pleasure to work with you.  Your talent is beyond measure and you are one of a kind in your field. You are a true healer, teacher and student. Thank you for your grace and wisdom.I look forward to growing and to many more wonderful journeys with you.“

“Two years ago you worked with me and since your treatment I feel much-much better. My basic problem was between my mother and me and our relationship was not “ideal.” She died a long time ago, but I couldn’t think about her with a clean heart. This feeling was very bad and I couldn’t erase my dark thoughts. I spent only an hour or two with you and you changed my life. Now I can think about my mother with love and I understand her better than before. Now I know why she did what she did. I always wanted to thank you for helping me but my English is not good enough to write a nice letter. Once I wrote a long Hungarian letter and asked somebody to translate it for me, but she lost the letter. Now, the language doesn’t matter. I think about you all the time with gratitude. You led me to the right path and changed my quality of life. Thank you so much.”

“You helped me get a better understanding of my children, which was a huge relationship issue for me.  I have let go of the guilt that I didn’t do enough for them.  You also helped me find peace with my unborn children.Whenever I work with you I find out something new about myself and my issues.Thank you so much for your work with me.”

“My life has been shifting in interesting ways. As you know, I worked on my relationship with my mother this month and for the first time in DECADES I feel that I have gotten off of that particular hamster wheel of anger and resentment. Huge huge shift, … I would say that it’s a miracle I could not have ever conceived of. Our relationship has improved immeasurably, and I don’t feel that I’m judging her anymore and I feel like I’m a grown-up now, handling things in a grown-up way, not from the perspective of the child-victim.”

“Sunday was very enlightening for me.  Thank you so much for doing this with me. I have had a few revelations about myself and can only expect to have more over the next while as I process what we explored.  It is all good.  I look forward to the follow up. I hope to find a quiet time over the next few days to read over and take in what the reading reveals.  I am sure it will also expose some revelations to me as well. I look forward to continuing the journey of contentment and acceptance; not only of myself but of those around me.  I’m sure we have opened a pandoras box of emotions for me to explore further… I look forward to what the future reveals.”

“Working with you has been a total blessing with a profound effect. What you say about me feeling like I am betraying my mother by loving another makes sense, even though it’s weird to think about. I’m realizing more and more that this stuff is on a deep level and I’m unaware of it day-to-day and only acknowledge the symptoms, like feeling distant or confused about my girlfriend.”

“I have continued with the boundary practicing exercise at home. I set up a long piece of yarn around me and work on it. I noticed that I need more space, so I make a big circle – after I am in the circle, I close my eyes and just breathe. As soon as I do that, I noticed that my nose gets clogged up, heart beats faster, throat constricted. One feeling that comes up is awe. I am in awe that this is my space. I have this space to breathe. Some tears come out and I breathe. What I found is that – this is the first time I am actually able to symbolically see that I have created a space for “ME”. I don’t think I ever had the opportunity to have a space for me in my life. Also, I am able to see my mom differently – it is a slow process and I am grateful. I also made a list of all the relationships – love based and friendships I have shunned and hold grudges against – slowly I want to make peace with all of them. I will do what you suggested – write out and do a small ritual, etc.”

“I truly appreciate the report you forwarded. It’s unbelievable how insightfully you’re able to point to so many of my issues. Makes me seem textbook even. I’ve had a profound month I must say, including my estranged father calling the same day of my treatment with you. Nothing yet resolved but lots of resources now, so thank you!”

“Thank you SO much for everything…the amazing deep work! I will let the work settle before doing the reading………there was a big softening in my husband when I met with him over the weekend, I could feel the deep love between us more present and so could he. Still lots of caution and guarding around both our hurt hearts but he was more open to hope than in a very long time. Not attached to where it will lead to of course, but it felt good and right. I needed to let go of so much, especially blame and punishment, so I thank you for working your magic.”

“It has been quite a journey since I saw you!! BIG TIME!  I’ve actually referred a few friends your way based on the already profound impact. I actually hit a very low point triggered by the recent trauma of my friend, and I reached out for my mom’s support. And she jumped on a plane and has been here to support me for 4 days now.  Not only that we talk about our family tree and I found out a bunch more info on the trauma in her father’s side of the family that absolutely shocked me.”

“Thank you so much for today. We covered a lot of ground and I have a lot to process. I am deeply grateful for your gifts, generosity and presence in my life right now.”

“Thank you very much, dear Patricia, for your kind assistance in my growth and helping me in finding my mission on the planet Earth. It was MY pleasure and honor to have met you and learn new things from you.”

 “My deep gratitude for your time and your assistance in my personal growth. It was a great pleasure to see you again.  The job you do requires lots of strength.  I am amazed by your strength and the depth of your kindness and compassion. Thank you for doing that for people.”

“Please take my deep gratitude for the work done for the sake of my family. I do believe that the job you are doing is meaningful and very important. I always think thankfully about you.”

“Thank you very much dear Patricia! I just want to share that last night after reading one page from your book I cried for half an hour about a childhood event that I didn’t even realise was so dramatic to me…”

“Thank you Patricia!! My life has been shifting and moving in positive and interesting ways. The most noticeable change for me is the increased level in my energy.” Thank you for your work.”

“Thank you so much Patricia. It’s been eye opening for sure. I love the learning and deeper understanding it brings. Thank you for your support and guidance on this journey.”

“Thank you so much for having your web page available. I have been working on myself and I have been finding light and peace through your words.”

“Thank you so much for your knowledge and help. Looking forward to having a total healed body, mind, soul…and having a fulfilling life.”

“Thank you so much Patricia! Things have been changing dramatically!”

“Thank you! I truly appreciate your work!”

“Wow! Amazing shifts still happening for me. So thankful for your amazing work.”

“Words are small and I am out of practice to convey your gift to the world. Blessed for having met you. Patricia takes us on a quantum leap towards the immemorial pilgrimage of “know the truth and the truth will set your free” with her most uncanny, scholar of the human soul ailments’ ability to shed light into the most recondite and unexamined corners of our internal life. She endows the pilgrimage with lightness, love and non judgmental ease. From that seeing we emerge brighter, wider, stronger, blessed.”

“Things have been very interesting since the constellation. Thank you for the session!”

“Wow – you’ve done it again. Thank you for helping me understand better some of my unresolved emotion around my children that did not come to life. I will look at this more closely as I believe it still negatively impacts my perspective with regards to family relationships. Blessings to you, and thank you yet again.”

“I would just like to let you know about all the wonderful miracles that have occurred since our last session.”

“Thank you for your gift. I feel things shifting in how I respond less from the wounded child place and more from a healthy resolve.”

“Thank you so much for such an incredible collection of help and information. I have been going through it little by little, and I’ve been writing down some of what has been happening since we had our session. Needless to say, the intervening time has almost been overwhelming with some very interesting events that have arisen, and I am looking forward to some time after the holidays to sit peacefully with some of the changes. Our session was amazing and I am extremely grateful for all that you did.”

“Thank you so much for all your nuggets of wisdom. It’s been interesting, in a good way, observing the effect of the work we did in my family system. There is a shift taking place and I am leaning into it. I thank you for holding space for me. When I know that I am ready to go a layer deeper, I will reach out.”

“I am reading your second book and to say the books are life changing cannot describe what I have experienced! Thank you so much for writing these books. I have had unsettled feelings, myself, and looking back through my family history. I can see several instances on at least two branches where lost family needs to be reunited. I am hopeful to break the emotional patterns.”

“After reading your first two books, I am now talking to myself with compassion, and looking to the past to heal, and I feel that our family is moving in the right direction. Thank you for helping me on my path to healing Patricia!”

“Many thanks for your facilitation. I have been with some very intense shiftings since. The boundary around me really challenges and enables. The ancestral permission to be less or more is so much enabling my agency. There are also previous facilitations completing/shifting. So now I’m stepping into this ‘with all of myself.'”

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