Love Wheel
Patricia K. Robertson
Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations
afternoon, agility, aging, all colours, ancestors, ancient ones, animal world, authentic inner core self, autumn, baby, balance, beliefs, bernried, big picture, birth, black, blue, border, bud, change, chaos, childhood, circle, circle of stones, client, comfort, commitment, communication, compassion, completions, complex systems, comtemplation, conclusion, confidence, confusion, consciousness, contentment, continuity, courage, creation, critical, cultures, cycles, darkness, dawn, days, death, different cultures, dissolution, divisiveness, drama, dream, dusk, earth, East, elders, Emotions, endings, energetic stagnation, energy, equality, ethnic groups, evening, extended family, facilitator, faith, family soul, family system, family values, father, Fear, fire, First Nation, First peoples, flow of life, four, four directions, four quadrants, freedom, friends, gift, going within, greater whole, green, grief, grounded, Guni Baxa, harvest the fruit, healing, healthy flow of love, heart, hibernate, humanity, humility, hurt, indigenous, indigenous cultures, indigenous knowledge, individual love, individual soul, individuation, infinite possibilities, initiation, inner peace, Inner woundedness, interconnectivity, internal referencing, intimate partners, introspection, judges, languages, letting go, life, life purpose, liminal, liminal spaces, liminality, limitations, listening, living the vision, love, magic, manifestation, markers, mature, maturity, Medicine Wheel, midnight, mind, miracles, moon, mother, mother earth, multiversal, mystery, new beginnings, new cycle, new growth, new life, new projects, night, no argument, no crosstalk, no form, no hierarchy, no judgement, no longer serves, no shape, no time, non-attachment, non-human, noon, North, nurturing, old age, oneness, openness, outer experiences, own issues, parenthood, peace, physical innocense, playful, political, potential, power, purification, purity, purple, rebirth, red, relationship drama, relaxation, religions, resonate, respect, sacred space, seasons, seeking, self, self-care, self-judgement, self-parent, self-soothing, separation, service tot he greater whole, sexuality, sharing, siblings, social, South, spectrum of love, spirit, spirit fly, spiritual practice, spontaneous, stars, status quo, strength, stuck, suffering, summer, sun, sun rise, sunset, superego, surrender, systemic constellations, systemic healing, systems, the wheel, tides, transformation, tribal, unconditionally, unconscious, understanding, unity, universal love, universal soul serenity, unknown, value, visions, walking your talk, water, West, wheel, white, wholeness, wind, winter, wisdom, world, wounds, years, yellow, young adulthood, Zodiac
This blog post is about understanding life and love through the four directions of the Medicine Wheel. About fifteen years ago I was introduced to the four directions of the Medicine Wheel as it is integrated into many indigenous cultures. Since then, I have experienced the Medicine Wheel through the…