Love Wheel

This blog post is about understanding life and love through the four directions of the Medicine Wheel. About fifteen years ago I was introduced to the four directions of the Medicine Wheel as it is integrated into many indigenous cultures. Since then, I have experienced the Medicine Wheel through the…

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In this blog post, I will address the topic of incest. Rape culture and sexual assault is such a huge topic today, that I thought I would systemically address the issue of incest in the family system. Let’s look at the societal definition of incest: “Incest: sexual intercourse between persons…

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Legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

The systemic impact of colonization influences the lives of all North Americans, and knowledge of the legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools is vital to understanding the reality today. It also impacts the wellbeing of peoples and societies all over the world where colonization was and is a part of…

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Most regions of the world carry the impact of past trauma and Serbia is no exception. When a trauma is buried within and not openly processed, it is imprinted on the cells of the bodies of those individuals who experienced the event. These old unresolved emotional traumas might travel transgenerationally…

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Adopted Child (Part 3)

Gaining compassion for the biological parents and their journey in life is key to the wellness of the adopted child.  Gaining compassion for self is equally important.  This blog series is just as important whether you experienced adoption, the foster care system, or were raised by anyone other than your…

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Living in Agency

Living in agency is energy deadening.  Within the family or in the community, the words “I want,” “I need,” or “Can you…?” pull individuals into agency.  If you respond to the needs of others at the expense of your own needs, you are living in agency.  You have stopped listening…

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Are You Stuck in Life?

Are you stuck in life?  Systemic family constellations provide insight for shifting unhealthy relationships into healthy relationships.  This past weekend I spent three days in a systemic family constellations workshop and training.  These relationships may be with your intimate partner, parents, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, or other community members in…

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Why The Butterfly?

A great deal of my healing work is the interpretation of language and symbolism. It’s my way of accessing the treasures buried within the unconscious mind and the natural world. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to study several languages and I learned that the symbolism behind the words…

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What Is Healing? (Part Two)

It would be rare to find a person who has travelled through childhood unscathed by emotional wounds. You may be surprised to learn that many of these unconscious wounds have seemingly innocuous origins and you may not even be aware that you carry them. At some point in time when…

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What Is Healing? (Part One)

“I would change nothing in my life if it meant not being here now. These words, when spoken freely, without a waver in the voice or blink of the eye, suggest we have arrived at a place of healing. They imply that we now understand how every trauma we have…

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