Tag: guilt
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Epigenetics, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Residential Schools, Systemic Constellations, Transgenerational Trauma, Victim and Perpetrator, Where Healing Begins
abuse, acknowledge, Addictions, adulthood, alcohol, alive deceased, anger, angry adult, angry child, apology, asylum, balance, betrayal, betrayed, big picture, big position, blood, body, bystander, carrier, cellphones, cells of the body, change, childhood, children, clash, comedians, community, compassion, compensation, computers, conscious, consciousness, dad, deeper wounds, distancing, division of property, drugs, eating, embarrassment, Emotion, emotional, emotional response strategies, emotionally sensitive, energetic event, epigenetic inheritance, Europe, exercise, explosion, express, family system, father, favour, festers, financial, flow of love, forgiveness, frustration, gambling, generation, guilt, harm, heard, heavy emotion, hit, humanization, humour, imbalance, impatience, inappropriate behaviour, inheritance, injustice, intentional, interaction, jealousy, Jewish, laughter, meanness, mental, misunderstood, mom, mother, nation, neighbours, neuronal pathways, North America, not appreciated, numb inside, object, objectify, out of character, overlooked, pain, parents, partner, passive aggressive, past, pattern, peace, perpetrator, physical, prior generations, process, psychosis, punch, push, radical inclusion, rage, reach out for help journey, recognizing anger that is carried within, reconciliation, reject, rejection, relational, resentment, retribution, revenge, right, road rage, rudeness, sabotage, schizophrenia, scream, seen, self betrayal, self forgiveness, self reflection, shame, ship, shopping, shove, siblings, sick, skirmish, slap, sorrow, sources of anger, spiritual, suffer, superior, suppressed, suppressed anger, survival, systemic constellations, technological devices, throw, toxic, toxic soup, transgenerational anger, transgenerational trauma, transgenerational wounds, transgenerationally, turn their backs, TVs, unconscious, unexplained anger, unfairness, unhealthy relationship, unresolved, unresolved trauma, unwellness, victim, victimhood, violence, violent, work, World War II, wound, wrong, wrongdoing, yell
Let’s take a look at what happens when anger is suppressed or carried down transgenerationally through a family system. Sources of Anger Anger may be the result of feelings of injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, betrayal, embarrassment, or resentment. Anger that originates in frustration may simmer on the back burner over weeks,…
Transgenerational Trauma
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Residential Schools, Sexuality, Systemic Constellations, Transgenerational Trauma, Victim and Perpetrator, Where Healing Begins
ancestral trauma, anger, Anxiety, author, automatic, autumn, balance, belief systems, blame, blind spots, book reviews, burdens, buried, bystanders, career choices, cells of the body ethnic cleansing, challenge, change, children, chronic conditions, community, concentration camps, conflict, counsellors, Depression, despair, die, displace, displacement, diversity, doctorate, embedded, emigrate, Emotion, emotional response patterns, emotional trauma, emotional wounds, family constellation, family history, family system, family tragedy, family wounds, Fear, first responders, friction, friend or foe, frontline workers, genealogy, genosociogram, Golden Era, grandchildren, gratitude, grief, guilt, hatred, hidden loyalties, homelands, hunger, hyper-vigilance, illnesses, imbalance, immigration, imprisoned, interdisciplinary, intergenerational trauma, joys, key, leaves, looking back, mentor, migration, mortality, multigenerational trauma, nation, nature, Nazi rule, obstacle, office tower, old patterns, peace, peacebuilding, peaceful, perpetrator, primary trauma, rage, refugees, religious wars, resentment, resistance, resisting, sage, scholar, secondary trauma, separation, Serbia, shame, social sciences, sorrow, source of healing, space-time continuum trauma, starving, struggle, Stuck in life, suppressed, systemic constellation, teacher, technology, tension, tortured, transform your world, transgenerational trauma, trauma, truth commissions, unfinished business, university residence, unresolved transgenerational trauma, urgency, Us and Them, vicarious trauma, victim, violence, Vojvodina, war, warring, whole, wisdom, withdrawal, World War I, World War II, worldviews, Yugoslavia
Patricia K. Robertson
Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations
abundance, addictive, allowance, bankruptcy, broke, business, can't afford, charitable, client, colonization, constellation facilitator, consumerism, corporate world, debt, deep secret, Depression, earned, economics, emotional response pattern, entangled, entertainment, exchange, family legacy, father, Fear, gamble, generation to generation, give money away, guilt, happiness, identity, inherited, intimate partner, land, looting, lost the fortune, love, markers, materialism, money, money constellation, mortgage, mother, oppression, owes you, poor, possessions, power, professional sport, protection, purse strings, relationship with money, representatives, root of all evil, safety, salaries, saver, security, self identity, self-worth, shopaholic, spend, spender, spending spree, stingy, systemic emotional family issue, theft, too little, too much, transgenerational, victim, wages, wartime, wealthy
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Let’s talk systemically about money. How many of you inwardly cringed or otherwise perked up at the mention of money? Discussing money is a difficult thing for many individuals to do, however, it is a systemic emotional family issue that desires greater attention. Many families don’t discuss their relationship…
Love Relationships
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Sex Identity, Systemic Constellations, Where Healing Begins
abandonment, abusiveness, acknowledged, acting out, Addictive behaviours, ancestral emotional trauma, anger, Anxiety, atoning, attitudes, behaviour, biological father, biological mother, birth, carrying, caste out, cellular memory, change, child caregiver, children, clergy, compassion, connection, consumerism, coworkers, create balance, Depression, discipline, disconnection, DNA structure, early childhood, eating disorders, emotional burdens energetic entanglement, emotional distance, emotional journey, emotional overwhelm, emotional response strategies, emotional woundedness, energy boundary, excluded, exclusion, extended family members, failures, family system, farmers, father, Fears, felt sensation, financial behaviours, firefighters, first love, flow of love, following, forgotten, friction, gene expression, generations, giving and receiving, grandparents, guilt, healthy flow of love, homemaker, hugs, I love you, inadequacy, inclusion, individuation, intimacy difficulties, intimate love, intimate partners, judge your parents, judgement, kisses, Living in Agency, love for mother, love relationship, loyalty, material fulfillment, material wealth, memory, mirror, missing, mother, narrow perception, need space, nurses, office workers, orders of love, over-giving, over-responsibility, overachieving, pedestal, perceived flaws, perception of love, perceptions, perfectionism, personal space, physical distance, physical symptoms, police officers, primary love, procrastination, pull, push, reflect, reject the love, rejected, rejection, resist your parent's love, romantic relationship, sacrifice themselves, sadness, safety, self-love, self-parent, self-soothe, sense of humour, separation wound, sharing, shunned, siblings, smother, soldiers, structure, survival, systemic constellation, take responsibility, teachers, tension, transform your world, transgenerational, trigger old emotional response patterns, unhappiness, unheard, unseen, unworthiness, wellbeing, womb, work ethic, worst attributes, worthiness
Do you struggle in your love relationships? Love relationships come in many forms. Our love relationships as adults often carry the imprint of our love relationships with our parents. Are you able to fully take in the love of your mother and your father just the way it is…
Patricia K. Robertson
Boundaries, Cancer, Chronic Conditions, Epigenetics, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Techniques, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations, Where Healing Begins
actions, address your inner wounds, adrenal, adrenal fatigue, ancestors, anger, autonomic nervous system, balance in life, balance the inner masculine and feminine, belief system, benevolent message, benevolent messenger, blood pressure, bone density, boundary, breast cancer, Cancer, cervical, cholesterol, collective, confidante, connect to self, contempt, cortisol, Depression, diagnosis, emotional armour, emotional pain, emotional paralysis, emotional response pattern, epigenetically, expression of the genes, Family Constellations, father, Fear, fight or flight, freeze, gender bias, genetic, grief, guilt, hatred, healthy boundary, heart disease, heavy emotions, homophobic, Inner voice, intolerance, introspection, learning, life expectancy, life path, malignancy, memory, mental health concerns, mother, mother's best friend, not safe to be a girl, ovarian, overhaul yourself emotionally, pain, proactive, prostate, racist, rage, reconnect to your family system, regret, reject father, reject mother, reject self, reproductive organs, resentment, resilience, sadness, scary monster, self-abandonment, self-care, self-denial, set priorities, shame, sorrow, spiritual being, stoic, stress, stress hormone, surrender to vulnerability, systemic constellations, take responsibility for your wellbeing, thoughts, unhappiness, unity, weight, weight gain, worry, xenophobic
I woke up the other day involved in a chat with cancer. Some days I just wake up knowing what I’m supposed to write about and share with others. I don’t have cancer, but nevertheless, the chat was very informative and I thought I would pass on the messages that…
Patricia K. Robertson
Boundaries, Chronic Conditions, Critics of Constellations or Hellinger, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Incest, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations, Where Healing Begins
Acknowledging What Is, Addictions, aggressive behaviours, Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger, Anxiety, atone, bert hellinger, big picture, blame creates struggle, Bonding, bonding trauma with mother, boundaries, cannot change the past, cellular memory, clergy, close cousins, common names, compassion for others, compassion for self, conscious mind, criminal actions, Depression, double connection, dynamics of abuse, entangled, entanglement, Family Constellations, Family Constellations: A Practical Guide to Uncovering the Origins, family friend, family member, family system, Fears, flashbacks, Franz Ruppert, genealogical incest, guilt, healing, humiliation, hyper-vigilance, inappropraite sexual behaviours, incest, incest systemically, intimacy, isolation, lack of boundaries, love and loyalty, mentor, mistrust, moral judgement, narrow perspective, nightmares, numbing, perpetrator, physical and psychological symptoms, radical inclusion, rape, rape culture, reject sexuality, relationship difficulties, resilience, Right to belong, school problems, self-doubt, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual intercourse, sexual partner, shame, sisters marrying brothers, sleep issues, step-siblings, substance abuse, suffer, suicidal, systemic constellations, take responsibility, teacher, The Ancestor Syndrome: Transgenerational Psychotherapy, transgenerational emotional trauma, transgenerational incest, trauma, unconscious actions, Unconscious Mind, victim, violence, wellbeing, what is, what was, without blame, without judgement
In this blog post, I will address the topic of incest. Rape culture and sexual assault is such a huge topic today, that I thought I would systemically address the issue of incest in the family system. Let’s look at the societal definition of incest: “Incest: sexual intercourse between persons…
Mothers and Daughters (Part 3)
Patricia K. Robertson
Abortion, Boundaries, Chronic Conditions, Epigenetics, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations, Where Healing Begins, Women's Issues
abs of steel, adult daughter, anniversaries, Anxiety, Arthritis, atone, blame and judgement, body focused, boys don't cry, breast cancer, caring for a parent, carry, cheat on the partner, child sacrifices, child will suffer, childbirth, coddled, compassion, confidante, control in a relationship, dates, daughters, Depression, duty, emotional burdens, emotional pattern, energetic pattern, entangle, entanglement, Epigenetic, family constellation, family systems, fear life, fit into their family, give and take, gives too much, gratitude, guilt, happy, healing process, healthy boundary, hold the marriage of her parents together, hurting the partner, I'm doing the best I can, inner wounds, integrative wellness practitioner, intimate partnerships, judging mother, lack of balance, life force energy, martyr, meaning, mediator, mothers, not a coincidence, obligation, old age, perception, protected, pulling others to you, pushing others away, reaching out movement, regret, Relationships, resentment, sacrifice, sadness, share, small one, Stuck in life, symptoms, systemic constellation, systemic healing, thank you, too big energetically, too much taking, vigilant, weight gain, wrong gender
Your mother was the perfect mother for you. What is your immediate emotional response to that statement? The answer that comes without thought, defensiveness, rationalizing, or intellectualizing will reveal much about where you are along your emotional and spiritual healing journey in this lifetime. Your mother is your source of…
Mothers and Daughters (Part 2)
Patricia K. Robertson
Boundaries, Epigenetics, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations, Where Healing Begins, Women's Issues
abandonment, ancestors, big picture, child's brain, childhood, circle of energy, conflict, Daddy's girl, daughter, deep inner core self, developing compassion, emotional burdens, emotional distancing, emotional needs, emotional response patterns, emotional wellbeing, emotionally collapse, energetic umbilical cord, energy boundary, energy deadening, entanglement, epigenetically, family constellation, goes off to college, guilt, hands off parenting, Healthy energy boundary, helicopter parent, hippocampus, individuate, individuation, Inner woundedness, inundation, learn through failure, life force energy, Living in Agency, lot of space, memory and emotions, mother, mother as weak, mother unable to let go, mother's best friend, mother's circle of energy, mother's confidante, mothers and daughters, multi-generational home, obstacles, off balance, overcompensate, own fate, partner gets close, projects her own fear, rejects mother, relationship with mother, repressed, sacrificed her own wellbeing, shallow breather, shifting the relationship, strong healthy relaitonship, struggle in life, Stuck in life, survival, systemic family constellation, three-generation, trauma, unhealthy relationship, unresolved, Unresolved Emotional Trauma
Is the relationship with your mother problematic? Perhaps your mother has passed to the other side and you have some regrets? It’s never too late to shift the inner image you hold of your mother. This is not about creating a fairy tale about your relationship. It’s about looking back…
Healthy Boundary
Patricia K. Robertson
Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Techniques, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Residential Schools, Systemic Constellations, Where Healing Begins
aborted, abundance, Agency, ancestors, anger, Anxiety, benevolent messages, biological mother, birth, boundary, bullied, burden, bystander, care for yourself first, chatter, conscious mind, core fears, Depression, died young tragically, doing battle with their symptoms, early childhood, early relationship, emotional, enemy, energetic entanglements, energetic family members, excluded, fighting their symptoms, financial, forgotten, former significant partners, grief, guilt, happiness, harm done, harmed, harmful government regulations, healthy boundary, healthy relationships, heavy emotions, immigrants, joy, love, love and loyalty, love yourself, malignant soup, mental health, mental health centres, miscarried children, missing, old residue, orphanages, pain, parents, peace, prisons, prosperity, rage, regret, relationship, resentments, residential schools, sacrifice themselves, self-love, shame, shunned, sorrow, spiritual physical, suicide, survivor guilt, symptoms, systemic constellations, Unconscious Mind, unhappiness, unhealthy energetic entanglements, unhealthy relationships, unrequited love, Unresolved Emotional Trauma, violent situations, womb
After reading my last blog, you may be sensing that some of your relationships with others may not have a healthy boundary. There may be unresolved emotional trauma lingering from the past creating unhealthy relationships with those who are living and those who have died in the physical world and…
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Alphabetized Archive
- A Twin Dies (Part 1)
- A Twin Dies (Part 2)
- A Twin Dies (Part 3)
- Abortion
- Adopted Child (Part 1)
- Adopted Child (Part 2)
- Adopted Child (Part 3)
- Ancestral Emotional Wounds (Part 3)
- Ancient Wisdom
- Anger
- Are You Stuck in Life?
- Bernried 2014
- Born Too Soon
- Boundary Setting
- Cancer
- Child Born to a Woman in Mourning
- Chronic Illness & Emotional Stress or Trauma
- Drawn to the Dead
- Emotion (Part 5)
- Emotional Entanglements (Part 3)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 1)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 2)
- Emotions (Part 1)
- Emotions (Part 2)
- Energetic Impact of Parent Separation on Children
- Energetic Separation From the Dead
- Epigenetics
- Former Intimate Partner
- Free Will
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 1)
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 2)
- Heal Yourself
- Healthy Boundary
- Hoarding
- How You Belong
- Immigration (Part 1)
- Immigration (Part 2)
- Immigration (Part 3)
- Incest
- Intimate Emotional Relationship (Part 4)
- Legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools
- Let Go of Fears (Part 1)
- Let Go of Fears: Ceremony (Part 2)
- Live Life Fully
- Living in Agency
- Love Relationships
- Love Wheel
- Medicine Wheel
- Money
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 1)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 2)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 3)
- Patriarchy
- Peaceful Possibilities Books by Patricia
- Radical Inclusion (Part 1)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 2)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 3)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 4)
- Relationship
- Relationship With Father
- Residential Schools
- Ritual (Part 1)
- Ritual (Part 2)
- Serbia
- Sexuality, Sex Identity, and Gender Identity
- Stop Living in Agency
- Symptoms Create A Boundary
- Systemic Healing
- To Constellate or Not
- Transgenerational Trauma
- Victim and Perpetrator
- War
- Welcome!
- What Is Healing? (Part 3)
- What Is Healing? (Part One)
- What Is Healing? (Part Two)
- Where Healing Begins
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Let’s take a look at what happens when anger is suppressed or carried down transgenerationally through a family system. Sources of Anger Anger may be the result of feelings of injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, betrayal, embarrassment, or resentment. Anger that originates in frustration may simmer on the back burner over weeks,…
Transgenerational Trauma
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Let’s talk systemically about money. How many of you inwardly cringed or otherwise perked up at the mention of money? Discussing money is a difficult thing for many individuals to do, however, it is a systemic emotional family issue that desires greater attention. Many families don’t discuss their relationship…
Love Relationships
Do you struggle in your love relationships? Love relationships come in many forms. Our love relationships as adults often carry the imprint of our love relationships with our parents. Are you able to fully take in the love of your mother and your father just the way it is…
I woke up the other day involved in a chat with cancer. Some days I just wake up knowing what I’m supposed to write about and share with others. I don’t have cancer, but nevertheless, the chat was very informative and I thought I would pass on the messages that…
In this blog post, I will address the topic of incest. Rape culture and sexual assault is such a huge topic today, that I thought I would systemically address the issue of incest in the family system. Let’s look at the societal definition of incest: “Incest: sexual intercourse between persons…
Mothers and Daughters (Part 3)
Your mother was the perfect mother for you. What is your immediate emotional response to that statement? The answer that comes without thought, defensiveness, rationalizing, or intellectualizing will reveal much about where you are along your emotional and spiritual healing journey in this lifetime. Your mother is your source of…
Mothers and Daughters (Part 2)
Is the relationship with your mother problematic? Perhaps your mother has passed to the other side and you have some regrets? It’s never too late to shift the inner image you hold of your mother. This is not about creating a fairy tale about your relationship. It’s about looking back…
Healthy Boundary
After reading my last blog, you may be sensing that some of your relationships with others may not have a healthy boundary. There may be unresolved emotional trauma lingering from the past creating unhealthy relationships with those who are living and those who have died in the physical world and…
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- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
Alphabetized Archive
- A Twin Dies (Part 1)
- A Twin Dies (Part 2)
- A Twin Dies (Part 3)
- Abortion
- Adopted Child (Part 1)
- Adopted Child (Part 2)
- Adopted Child (Part 3)
- Ancestral Emotional Wounds (Part 3)
- Ancient Wisdom
- Anger
- Are You Stuck in Life?
- Bernried 2014
- Born Too Soon
- Boundary Setting
- Cancer
- Child Born to a Woman in Mourning
- Chronic Illness & Emotional Stress or Trauma
- Drawn to the Dead
- Emotion (Part 5)
- Emotional Entanglements (Part 3)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 1)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 2)
- Emotions (Part 1)
- Emotions (Part 2)
- Energetic Impact of Parent Separation on Children
- Energetic Separation From the Dead
- Epigenetics
- Former Intimate Partner
- Free Will
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 1)
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 2)
- Heal Yourself
- Healthy Boundary
- Hoarding
- How You Belong
- Immigration (Part 1)
- Immigration (Part 2)
- Immigration (Part 3)
- Incest
- Intimate Emotional Relationship (Part 4)
- Legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools
- Let Go of Fears (Part 1)
- Let Go of Fears: Ceremony (Part 2)
- Live Life Fully
- Living in Agency
- Love Relationships
- Love Wheel
- Medicine Wheel
- Money
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 1)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 2)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 3)
- Patriarchy
- Peaceful Possibilities Books by Patricia
- Radical Inclusion (Part 1)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 2)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 3)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 4)
- Relationship
- Relationship With Father
- Residential Schools
- Ritual (Part 1)
- Ritual (Part 2)
- Serbia
- Sexuality, Sex Identity, and Gender Identity
- Stop Living in Agency
- Symptoms Create A Boundary
- Systemic Healing
- To Constellate or Not
- Transgenerational Trauma
- Victim and Perpetrator
- War
- Welcome!
- What Is Healing? (Part 3)
- What Is Healing? (Part One)
- What Is Healing? (Part Two)
- Where Healing Begins
- Why The Butterfly?
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