Chronic Illness & Emotional Stress or Trauma

Systemic family constellations revealing long-term holding patterns of fear may link to chronic illness & emotional stress or trauma.  The underlying basis of stress and trauma is fear.  The research community has recently shifted gears and there is now a long list of chronic conditions and dis-eases, originally thought to…

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Are You Stuck in Life?

Are you stuck in life?  Systemic family constellations provide insight for shifting unhealthy relationships into healthy relationships.  This past weekend I spent three days in a systemic family constellations workshop and training.  These relationships may be with your intimate partner, parents, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, or other community members in…

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What Is Healing? (Part One)

“I would change nothing in my life if it meant not being here now. These words, when spoken freely, without a waver in the voice or blink of the eye, suggest we have arrived at a place of healing. They imply that we now understand how every trauma we have…

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Welcome to Peaceful Possibilities! The topics discussed on this website are as relevant today as the day I wrote them. As an Integrative Wellness Practitioner, I address transgenerational trauma, relationship issues, fears, anxiety or any other emotional inheritance from your parents or ancestors with body focused systemic & family constellations…

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