Tag: balance
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Epigenetics, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Residential Schools, Systemic Constellations, Transgenerational Trauma, Victim and Perpetrator, Where Healing Begins
abuse, acknowledge, Addictions, adulthood, alcohol, alive deceased, anger, angry adult, angry child, apology, asylum, balance, betrayal, betrayed, big picture, big position, blood, body, bystander, carrier, cellphones, cells of the body, change, childhood, children, clash, comedians, community, compassion, compensation, computers, conscious, consciousness, dad, deeper wounds, distancing, division of property, drugs, eating, embarrassment, Emotion, emotional, emotional response strategies, emotionally sensitive, energetic event, epigenetic inheritance, Europe, exercise, explosion, express, family system, father, favour, festers, financial, flow of love, forgiveness, frustration, gambling, generation, guilt, harm, heard, heavy emotion, hit, humanization, humour, imbalance, impatience, inappropriate behaviour, inheritance, injustice, intentional, interaction, jealousy, Jewish, laughter, meanness, mental, misunderstood, mom, mother, nation, neighbours, neuronal pathways, North America, not appreciated, numb inside, object, objectify, out of character, overlooked, pain, parents, partner, passive aggressive, past, pattern, peace, perpetrator, physical, prior generations, process, psychosis, punch, push, radical inclusion, rage, reach out for help journey, recognizing anger that is carried within, reconciliation, reject, rejection, relational, resentment, retribution, revenge, right, road rage, rudeness, sabotage, schizophrenia, scream, seen, self betrayal, self forgiveness, self reflection, shame, ship, shopping, shove, siblings, sick, skirmish, slap, sorrow, sources of anger, spiritual, suffer, superior, suppressed, suppressed anger, survival, systemic constellations, technological devices, throw, toxic, toxic soup, transgenerational anger, transgenerational trauma, transgenerational wounds, transgenerationally, turn their backs, TVs, unconscious, unexplained anger, unfairness, unhealthy relationship, unresolved, unresolved trauma, unwellness, victim, victimhood, violence, violent, work, World War II, wound, wrong, wrongdoing, yell
Let’s take a look at what happens when anger is suppressed or carried down transgenerationally through a family system. Sources of Anger Anger may be the result of feelings of injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, betrayal, embarrassment, or resentment. Anger that originates in frustration may simmer on the back burner over weeks,…
Transgenerational Trauma
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Residential Schools, Sexuality, Systemic Constellations, Transgenerational Trauma, Victim and Perpetrator, Where Healing Begins
ancestral trauma, anger, Anxiety, author, automatic, autumn, balance, belief systems, blame, blind spots, book reviews, burdens, buried, bystanders, career choices, cells of the body ethnic cleansing, challenge, change, children, chronic conditions, community, concentration camps, conflict, counsellors, Depression, despair, die, displace, displacement, diversity, doctorate, embedded, emigrate, Emotion, emotional response patterns, emotional trauma, emotional wounds, family constellation, family history, family system, family tragedy, family wounds, Fear, first responders, friction, friend or foe, frontline workers, genealogy, genosociogram, Golden Era, grandchildren, gratitude, grief, guilt, hatred, hidden loyalties, homelands, hunger, hyper-vigilance, illnesses, imbalance, immigration, imprisoned, interdisciplinary, intergenerational trauma, joys, key, leaves, looking back, mentor, migration, mortality, multigenerational trauma, nation, nature, Nazi rule, obstacle, office tower, old patterns, peace, peacebuilding, peaceful, perpetrator, primary trauma, rage, refugees, religious wars, resentment, resistance, resisting, sage, scholar, secondary trauma, separation, Serbia, shame, social sciences, sorrow, source of healing, space-time continuum trauma, starving, struggle, Stuck in life, suppressed, systemic constellation, teacher, technology, tension, tortured, transform your world, transgenerational trauma, trauma, truth commissions, unfinished business, university residence, unresolved transgenerational trauma, urgency, Us and Them, vicarious trauma, victim, violence, Vojvodina, war, warring, whole, wisdom, withdrawal, World War I, World War II, worldviews, Yugoslavia
Love Wheel
Patricia K. Robertson
Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations
afternoon, agility, aging, all colours, ancestors, ancient ones, animal world, authentic inner core self, autumn, baby, balance, beliefs, bernried, big picture, birth, black, blue, border, bud, change, chaos, childhood, circle, circle of stones, client, comfort, commitment, communication, compassion, completions, complex systems, comtemplation, conclusion, confidence, confusion, consciousness, contentment, continuity, courage, creation, critical, cultures, cycles, darkness, dawn, days, death, different cultures, dissolution, divisiveness, drama, dream, dusk, earth, East, elders, Emotions, endings, energetic stagnation, energy, equality, ethnic groups, evening, extended family, facilitator, faith, family soul, family system, family values, father, Fear, fire, First Nation, First peoples, flow of life, four, four directions, four quadrants, freedom, friends, gift, going within, greater whole, green, grief, grounded, Guni Baxa, harvest the fruit, healing, healthy flow of love, heart, hibernate, humanity, humility, hurt, indigenous, indigenous cultures, indigenous knowledge, individual love, individual soul, individuation, infinite possibilities, initiation, inner peace, Inner woundedness, interconnectivity, internal referencing, intimate partners, introspection, judges, languages, letting go, life, life purpose, liminal, liminal spaces, liminality, limitations, listening, living the vision, love, magic, manifestation, markers, mature, maturity, Medicine Wheel, midnight, mind, miracles, moon, mother, mother earth, multiversal, mystery, new beginnings, new cycle, new growth, new life, new projects, night, no argument, no crosstalk, no form, no hierarchy, no judgement, no longer serves, no shape, no time, non-attachment, non-human, noon, North, nurturing, old age, oneness, openness, outer experiences, own issues, parenthood, peace, physical innocense, playful, political, potential, power, purification, purity, purple, rebirth, red, relationship drama, relaxation, religions, resonate, respect, sacred space, seasons, seeking, self, self-care, self-judgement, self-parent, self-soothing, separation, service tot he greater whole, sexuality, sharing, siblings, social, South, spectrum of love, spirit, spirit fly, spiritual practice, spontaneous, stars, status quo, strength, stuck, suffering, summer, sun, sun rise, sunset, superego, surrender, systemic constellations, systemic healing, systems, the wheel, tides, transformation, tribal, unconditionally, unconscious, understanding, unity, universal love, universal soul serenity, unknown, value, visions, walking your talk, water, West, wheel, white, wholeness, wind, winter, wisdom, world, wounds, years, yellow, young adulthood, Zodiac
This blog post is about understanding life and love through the four directions of the Medicine Wheel. About fifteen years ago I was introduced to the four directions of the Medicine Wheel as it is integrated into many indigenous cultures. Since then, I have experienced the Medicine Wheel through the…
Bernried 2014
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Family Constellations, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Healing Techniques, Peaceful Possibilities, Systemic Constellations
Albrecht Mahr, balance, bernried, chaos constellations, Christine Blumenstein, comparison, Constanze Lang, diagnostic constellation, Francesca Mason Boring, gems, Guni Baxa, illness, International Systemic Constellations, interpersonal neurobiology, irish ancestral residue, Jan Jacob Stam, Jane Peterson, Kloster Bernried, Lake Starnberger, Lap Fung Cheng, relationship constellations, ritual constellations, Sarah Peyton, Sneh Victoria Schnabel, somatic self, Stephan Hausner, stepwise elimination, systemic constellation faciliators, tetrahedron constellation, the container, trauma in organizations, working without representatives
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Connecting With Your Ancestors
Connecting With Your Ancestors
Connecting With Your Ancestors
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Connecting With Your Ancestors
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Alphabetized Archive
- A Twin Dies (Part 1)
- A Twin Dies (Part 2)
- A Twin Dies (Part 3)
- Abortion
- Adopted Child (Part 1)
- Adopted Child (Part 2)
- Adopted Child (Part 3)
- Ancestral Emotional Wounds (Part 3)
- Ancient Wisdom
- Anger
- Are You Stuck in Life?
- Bernried 2014
- Born Too Soon
- Boundary Setting
- Cancer
- Child Born to a Woman in Mourning
- Chronic Illness & Emotional Stress or Trauma
- Drawn to the Dead
- Emotion (Part 5)
- Emotional Entanglements (Part 3)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 1)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 2)
- Emotions (Part 1)
- Emotions (Part 2)
- Energetic Impact of Parent Separation on Children
- Energetic Separation From the Dead
- Epigenetics
- Former Intimate Partner
- Free Will
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 1)
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 2)
- Heal Yourself
- Healthy Boundary
- Hoarding
- How You Belong
- Immigration (Part 1)
- Immigration (Part 2)
- Immigration (Part 3)
- Incest
- Intimate Emotional Relationship (Part 4)
- Legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools
- Let Go of Fears (Part 1)
- Let Go of Fears: Ceremony (Part 2)
- Live Life Fully
- Living in Agency
- Love Relationships
- Love Wheel
- Medicine Wheel
- Money
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 1)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 2)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 3)
- Patriarchy
- Peaceful Possibilities Books by Patricia
- Radical Inclusion (Part 1)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 2)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 3)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 4)
- Relationship
- Relationship With Father
- Residential Schools
- Ritual (Part 1)
- Ritual (Part 2)
- Serbia
- Sexuality, Sex Identity, and Gender Identity
- Stop Living in Agency
- Symptoms Create A Boundary
- Systemic Healing
- To Constellate or Not
- Transgenerational Trauma
- Victim and Perpetrator
- War
- Welcome!
- What Is Healing? (Part 3)
- What Is Healing? (Part One)
- What Is Healing? (Part Two)
- Where Healing Begins
- Why The Butterfly?
- April 2020
- November 2017
- June 2016
- April 2016
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Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Epigenetics, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Residential Schools, Systemic Constellations, Transgenerational Trauma, Victim and Perpetrator, Where Healing Begins
abuse, acknowledge, Addictions, adulthood, alcohol, alive deceased, anger, angry adult, angry child, apology, asylum, balance, betrayal, betrayed, big picture, big position, blood, body, bystander, carrier, cellphones, cells of the body, change, childhood, children, clash, comedians, community, compassion, compensation, computers, conscious, consciousness, dad, deeper wounds, distancing, division of property, drugs, eating, embarrassment, Emotion, emotional, emotional response strategies, emotionally sensitive, energetic event, epigenetic inheritance, Europe, exercise, explosion, express, family system, father, favour, festers, financial, flow of love, forgiveness, frustration, gambling, generation, guilt, harm, heard, heavy emotion, hit, humanization, humour, imbalance, impatience, inappropriate behaviour, inheritance, injustice, intentional, interaction, jealousy, Jewish, laughter, meanness, mental, misunderstood, mom, mother, nation, neighbours, neuronal pathways, North America, not appreciated, numb inside, object, objectify, out of character, overlooked, pain, parents, partner, passive aggressive, past, pattern, peace, perpetrator, physical, prior generations, process, psychosis, punch, push, radical inclusion, rage, reach out for help journey, recognizing anger that is carried within, reconciliation, reject, rejection, relational, resentment, retribution, revenge, right, road rage, rudeness, sabotage, schizophrenia, scream, seen, self betrayal, self forgiveness, self reflection, shame, ship, shopping, shove, siblings, sick, skirmish, slap, sorrow, sources of anger, spiritual, suffer, superior, suppressed, suppressed anger, survival, systemic constellations, technological devices, throw, toxic, toxic soup, transgenerational anger, transgenerational trauma, transgenerational wounds, transgenerationally, turn their backs, TVs, unconscious, unexplained anger, unfairness, unhealthy relationship, unresolved, unresolved trauma, unwellness, victim, victimhood, violence, violent, work, World War II, wound, wrong, wrongdoing, yell
Let’s take a look at what happens when anger is suppressed or carried down transgenerationally through a family system. Sources of Anger Anger may be the result of feelings of injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, betrayal, embarrassment, or resentment. Anger that originates in frustration may simmer on the back burner over weeks,…
Transgenerational Trauma
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Residential Schools, Sexuality, Systemic Constellations, Transgenerational Trauma, Victim and Perpetrator, Where Healing Begins
ancestral trauma, anger, Anxiety, author, automatic, autumn, balance, belief systems, blame, blind spots, book reviews, burdens, buried, bystanders, career choices, cells of the body ethnic cleansing, challenge, change, children, chronic conditions, community, concentration camps, conflict, counsellors, Depression, despair, die, displace, displacement, diversity, doctorate, embedded, emigrate, Emotion, emotional response patterns, emotional trauma, emotional wounds, family constellation, family history, family system, family tragedy, family wounds, Fear, first responders, friction, friend or foe, frontline workers, genealogy, genosociogram, Golden Era, grandchildren, gratitude, grief, guilt, hatred, hidden loyalties, homelands, hunger, hyper-vigilance, illnesses, imbalance, immigration, imprisoned, interdisciplinary, intergenerational trauma, joys, key, leaves, looking back, mentor, migration, mortality, multigenerational trauma, nation, nature, Nazi rule, obstacle, office tower, old patterns, peace, peacebuilding, peaceful, perpetrator, primary trauma, rage, refugees, religious wars, resentment, resistance, resisting, sage, scholar, secondary trauma, separation, Serbia, shame, social sciences, sorrow, source of healing, space-time continuum trauma, starving, struggle, Stuck in life, suppressed, systemic constellation, teacher, technology, tension, tortured, transform your world, transgenerational trauma, trauma, truth commissions, unfinished business, university residence, unresolved transgenerational trauma, urgency, Us and Them, vicarious trauma, victim, violence, Vojvodina, war, warring, whole, wisdom, withdrawal, World War I, World War II, worldviews, Yugoslavia
Love Wheel
Patricia K. Robertson
Family Constellations, Family Relationships, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Love Relationships, Peaceful Possibilities, Relationships, Systemic Constellations
afternoon, agility, aging, all colours, ancestors, ancient ones, animal world, authentic inner core self, autumn, baby, balance, beliefs, bernried, big picture, birth, black, blue, border, bud, change, chaos, childhood, circle, circle of stones, client, comfort, commitment, communication, compassion, completions, complex systems, comtemplation, conclusion, confidence, confusion, consciousness, contentment, continuity, courage, creation, critical, cultures, cycles, darkness, dawn, days, death, different cultures, dissolution, divisiveness, drama, dream, dusk, earth, East, elders, Emotions, endings, energetic stagnation, energy, equality, ethnic groups, evening, extended family, facilitator, faith, family soul, family system, family values, father, Fear, fire, First Nation, First peoples, flow of life, four, four directions, four quadrants, freedom, friends, gift, going within, greater whole, green, grief, grounded, Guni Baxa, harvest the fruit, healing, healthy flow of love, heart, hibernate, humanity, humility, hurt, indigenous, indigenous cultures, indigenous knowledge, individual love, individual soul, individuation, infinite possibilities, initiation, inner peace, Inner woundedness, interconnectivity, internal referencing, intimate partners, introspection, judges, languages, letting go, life, life purpose, liminal, liminal spaces, liminality, limitations, listening, living the vision, love, magic, manifestation, markers, mature, maturity, Medicine Wheel, midnight, mind, miracles, moon, mother, mother earth, multiversal, mystery, new beginnings, new cycle, new growth, new life, new projects, night, no argument, no crosstalk, no form, no hierarchy, no judgement, no longer serves, no shape, no time, non-attachment, non-human, noon, North, nurturing, old age, oneness, openness, outer experiences, own issues, parenthood, peace, physical innocense, playful, political, potential, power, purification, purity, purple, rebirth, red, relationship drama, relaxation, religions, resonate, respect, sacred space, seasons, seeking, self, self-care, self-judgement, self-parent, self-soothing, separation, service tot he greater whole, sexuality, sharing, siblings, social, South, spectrum of love, spirit, spirit fly, spiritual practice, spontaneous, stars, status quo, strength, stuck, suffering, summer, sun, sun rise, sunset, superego, surrender, systemic constellations, systemic healing, systems, the wheel, tides, transformation, tribal, unconditionally, unconscious, understanding, unity, universal love, universal soul serenity, unknown, value, visions, walking your talk, water, West, wheel, white, wholeness, wind, winter, wisdom, world, wounds, years, yellow, young adulthood, Zodiac
This blog post is about understanding life and love through the four directions of the Medicine Wheel. About fifteen years ago I was introduced to the four directions of the Medicine Wheel as it is integrated into many indigenous cultures. Since then, I have experienced the Medicine Wheel through the…
Bernried 2014
Patricia K. Robertson
Chronic Conditions, Family Constellations, Healing, Healing Ritual & Ceremony, Healing Techniques, Peaceful Possibilities, Systemic Constellations
Albrecht Mahr, balance, bernried, chaos constellations, Christine Blumenstein, comparison, Constanze Lang, diagnostic constellation, Francesca Mason Boring, gems, Guni Baxa, illness, International Systemic Constellations, interpersonal neurobiology, irish ancestral residue, Jan Jacob Stam, Jane Peterson, Kloster Bernried, Lake Starnberger, Lap Fung Cheng, relationship constellations, ritual constellations, Sarah Peyton, Sneh Victoria Schnabel, somatic self, Stephan Hausner, stepwise elimination, systemic constellation faciliators, tetrahedron constellation, the container, trauma in organizations, working without representatives
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- Connecting With Your Ancestors
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- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
- Connecting With Your Ancestors
Alphabetized Archive
- A Twin Dies (Part 1)
- A Twin Dies (Part 2)
- A Twin Dies (Part 3)
- Abortion
- Adopted Child (Part 1)
- Adopted Child (Part 2)
- Adopted Child (Part 3)
- Ancestral Emotional Wounds (Part 3)
- Ancient Wisdom
- Anger
- Are You Stuck in Life?
- Bernried 2014
- Born Too Soon
- Boundary Setting
- Cancer
- Child Born to a Woman in Mourning
- Chronic Illness & Emotional Stress or Trauma
- Drawn to the Dead
- Emotion (Part 5)
- Emotional Entanglements (Part 3)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 1)
- Emotional Wounds for Men (Part 2)
- Emotions (Part 1)
- Emotions (Part 2)
- Energetic Impact of Parent Separation on Children
- Energetic Separation From the Dead
- Epigenetics
- Former Intimate Partner
- Free Will
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 1)
- Give and Take in Relationships (Part 2)
- Heal Yourself
- Healthy Boundary
- Hoarding
- How You Belong
- Immigration (Part 1)
- Immigration (Part 2)
- Immigration (Part 3)
- Incest
- Intimate Emotional Relationship (Part 4)
- Legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools
- Let Go of Fears (Part 1)
- Let Go of Fears: Ceremony (Part 2)
- Live Life Fully
- Living in Agency
- Love Relationships
- Love Wheel
- Medicine Wheel
- Money
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 1)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 2)
- Mothers and Daughters (Part 3)
- Patriarchy
- Peaceful Possibilities Books by Patricia
- Radical Inclusion (Part 1)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 2)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 3)
- Radical Inclusion (Part 4)
- Relationship
- Relationship With Father
- Residential Schools
- Ritual (Part 1)
- Ritual (Part 2)
- Serbia
- Sexuality, Sex Identity, and Gender Identity
- Stop Living in Agency
- Symptoms Create A Boundary
- Systemic Healing
- To Constellate or Not
- Transgenerational Trauma
- Victim and Perpetrator
- War
- Welcome!
- What Is Healing? (Part 3)
- What Is Healing? (Part One)
- What Is Healing? (Part Two)
- Where Healing Begins
- Why The Butterfly?
- April 2020
- November 2017
- June 2016
- April 2016
- January 2016
- December 2015
- November 2015
- October 2015
- September 2015
- August 2015
- July 2015
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