
  This is not a pro-life or pro-choice discussion on abortion. It is not a discussion of the right to have an abortion or not. This is about the emotional and energetic impact of an abortion on an individual and/or the greater family system. It’s a discussion about what happens…

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Most regions of the world carry the impact of past trauma and Serbia is no exception. When a trauma is buried within and not openly processed, it is imprinted on the cells of the bodies of those individuals who experienced the event. These old unresolved emotional traumas might travel transgenerationally…

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Drawn to the Dead

Being drawn to the dead or turning to the dead are phrases that frequently arise in systemic family constellations.  Each living family member, and this includes you of course, has the systemic potential of being drawn to the dead.  Within the field of systemic family constellations and energy healing this…

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