Radical Inclusion (Part 1)

I don’t know who coined the term, but I first learned about “radical inclusion” from a very talented German systemic constellation facilitator by the name of Albrecht Mahr.  Albrecht is a medical doctor who specializes in psychosomatic medicine, psychoanalysis, and systems therapy.  He’s been teaching systemic constellation work around the…

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Why The Butterfly?

A great deal of my healing work is the interpretation of language and symbolism. It’s my way of accessing the treasures buried within the unconscious mind and the natural world. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to study several languages and I learned that the symbolism behind the words…

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What Is Healing? (Part 3)

We often hear the term personal healing, however, somehow that label doesn’t feel appropriate for this deep emotional and spiritual healing work. Healing may take the commitment of one, and it is a journey back to your authentic self within, but it never remains a personal journey. On a purely…

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What Is Healing? (Part Two)

It would be rare to find a person who has travelled through childhood unscathed by emotional wounds. You may be surprised to learn that many of these unconscious wounds have seemingly innocuous origins and you may not even be aware that you carry them. At some point in time when…

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What Is Healing? (Part One)

“I would change nothing in my life if it meant not being here now. These words, when spoken freely, without a waver in the voice or blink of the eye, suggest we have arrived at a place of healing. They imply that we now understand how every trauma we have…

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Welcome to Peaceful Possibilities! The topics discussed on this website are as relevant today as the day I wrote them. As an Integrative Wellness Practitioner, I address transgenerational trauma, relationship issues, fears, anxiety or any other emotional inheritance from your parents or ancestors with body focused systemic & family constellations…

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